Coastal Ecology Training
Good morning silviculturists,
As promised, our Coastal ecologists and soil specialist will be hosting ecology training sessions this summer:
June 8 (Thursday)- Virtual session
June 15 (Thursday)- Nanaimo field session
June 16 (Friday)- Campbell River field session
June 21 (Wednesday)- Powell River session
There will be a virtual session on June 8th to cover the basics of BEC and the importance of stratification. There will be an extended Q&A period.
Then, there will be field training sessions in Nanaimo, Campbell River, and Powell River. Each session will be capped at 25 people.
If there’s strong interest, we will consider adding more sessions. To help with planning, it would be helpful to know your location, your profession, and why you’d like to take the training. E.g., if there’s a significant number of silviculture surveyors interested in attending, we could offer a separate training session dedicated to surveyors. Or, if a significant number Port McNeill site plan foresters wish to attend the Campbell River session, we could potentially add a Port McNeill session.
Taisa Brown, RPF
Silviculture Performance Assessment Specialist
Office of the Chief Forester | Forest Science, Planning, and Practices Branch
Phone (250) 480-9883
Ministry of Forests