MAMU Order/Notice Announcement

In 2018, the Province released the Implementation Plan for the Recovery of Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in British Columbia.  The Province adopted the recommended recovery objectives of the Canadian Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team and the Federal recovery strategy to maintain minimum habitat thresholds in all Conservation Regions on provincially managed Crown land. 


In Northern Conservation Regions (Alaska Border, Haida Gwaii, Northern Mainland Coast, and Central Mainland Coast), the province is committed to monitoring the availability of suitable nesting habitat over time, including the amount protected, to ensure habitat availability exceeds minimum habitat thresholds for Crown land.


In Southern Conservation Regions (East Vancouver Island, West and North Vancouver Island, and Southern Mainland Coast), a Land Use Objectives Regulation Order has been established under the Land Act to achieve minimum habitat thresholds on Crown land.  A Section 7 / Section 9 Notice has also been established under the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation and Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation to meet spatial habitat management commitments outlined in the Implementation Plan.  A notification advertisement will appear in the BC Gazette on December 2, 2021 and is the date the Order and Notice take effect.


The official documentation can be found here:


The spatial information can be found here: - /ftp/RCO/external/!publish/MAMU/Spatial Data/


We thank the contributions of provincial staff, Indigenous Nations and stakeholders who helped develop these habitat management approaches to meet commitments outlined in the provincial Implementation Plan.


Branch and Regional staff will be engaging with Districts early in the New Year to initiate District-level working groups and continue working with staff, Nations and stakeholders to support implementation including forthcoming Forest Stewardship Plan amendments and spatial reserve design.


Please contact Darryn McConkey, West Coast Region Sr Ecosystem Biologist ( or Jenna Cragg, SARR Branch Implementation Specialist ( for additional information.



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