BC Wildfire - We want your feedback
This is a reminder that the BC Wildfire Service is seeking feedback from you, as one of our partner organizations. The results of this survey will help to improve the way we deliver information to you and to the rest of British Columbians.
To complete this survey, we will need your consent to the collection of your contact information. To provide your consent and complete this survey, please opt in here. From there you will receive the survey from BC Stats at a later date.
Please direct any questions or inquiries regarding this collection to the BC Wildfire Service Strategic Priorities team at BCWS.ClientSatisfactionSurvey@gov.bc.ca or (250) 312-3051.
You will also note the option to opt-in to product testing. We have some exciting enhancements to fire information coming for 2023 and we want to involve you as early as possible.